Catford Town Centre

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Divided by the south circular road

Everyone agrees it’s not pleasant to walk or cycle along this major road and many have tales of just how dangerous it is to cross. With agreement from Transport for London (TfL), we’re now planning to reroute this major road behind Laurence House, unlocking a huge area of land for new shops, homes and public space and making the town centre a safer and more enjoyable space for everyone.

#Catfordconversation“Right turn into Doggett Road is dangerous.”“Widen Catford Bridge.” “Cars ignore no right turn.” “Crossing Catford Road is dangerous.”

Getting permission to move this major road has taken many years and we now have a unique opportunity to model the town centre around the new layout. We’ve been asking people for their views on the south circular as it is at the moment - the pinch points for traffic, safe and unsafe crossing points and how it feels as a road user, bus passenger, cyclist or pedestrian. Take a look at what they’re saying and join in by sharing your thoughts on the map .

Dervise on the A205

Razvan on the south circular: “I think it is a very, very busy, complicated street.”

Claire on family cycling around Catford.

Do you drive, walk or cycle along the A205? Tell us what you think by commenting on the map .

Posted on 13th September 2017

by Team Catford